Voyager Deep Sea Fishing & Dolphin Cruises

Half-Day Fishing Trips (3 Daily), 12-13 Hour Gulf Stream Fishing Trips, 2-3 Hour Dolphin Cruises, Inter-Coastal Waterway Cruises, Private Sport Fishing Charters, and more! Located 15 minutes from Myrtle Beach. Visit us online at

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4 Tips For A Myrtle Beach Dolphin Cruise

3You have been looking forward to this day. You decided to embark on a dolphin cruise adventure, and you’re trying to find some ideas where to begin. Doing a little research before you plunge into the adventure may bring some beneficial results. In this guide, you are going to learn important suggestions each person or family on a dolphin cruise Myrtle Beach should know. But before proceeding, let’s learn the main differences between a dolphin and a porpoise.

People normally use the terms porpoises, whales and dolphins in describing marine mammals that belong to the order Cetacea, and use them often interchangeably.

However, there are some differences among them.

Dolphins are far more prevalent when compared to porpoises. Majority of scientists are in agreement there are 32 dolphin species-and 5 closely related river dolphin species-while there are only 6 porpoise species.

The harbor porpoise, for example, has small pointed flippers, and no beak. Its dorsal fin is not only small but also has a triangle shape. The difference basically comes down to their fins, their figures, and their faces. Dolphins have prominent and “elongated “beaks” plus cone-shaped teeth. The curved or hooked dorsal fin of the dolphin differs also from the triangular dorsal fin of the porpoise. Basically, dolphins have leaner bodies while porpoise bodies are portly.

To communicate with each other underwater, dolphins make whistling sounds via their blowholes, while scientists are quite certain porpoises don’t do this. Simply speaking, dolphins are more talkative than porpoises.

The wild winter weather has made it a great time to take advantage of a dolphin cruise. Below are a few tips to help you prepare for your trip.

4 Tips For Myrtle Beach Dolphin Cruise

  1. Choose the right time for you

When you are a morning person, perhaps a 10 am dolphin cruise at Myrtle Beach is going to be appropriate for you. You can spend the rest of the day for other thrilling activities in Myrtle Beach, like a deep sea fishing trip. You can also decide to go for an afternoon dolphin cruise.

  1. Bring the Right Apparel

The clothing should reflect the adventures you’re intending to take part in. For example, for a dolphin adventure, you must be sure that your clothing is both light and comfortable.

  1. Bring Along Right Equipment

This is a good idea to keep in mind for any Myrtle Beach traveler. You will see several compelling sights along your Dolphin cruise tour. Therefore, come with your camera-preferably a waterproof one. You may also need to take your video camera to share those exciting memories at home with your friends and loved ones or on Facebook. You may record all this on your mobile phone. However, it might not be as accurate as a video recorder or a camera.

  1. Listen to Your Guide

Remember that any trip which involves wildlife, your guide is a professional who has in his mind your best interest. They want you to have an exciting dolphin cruise in Myrtle Beach, and it is their job also to safely see you through. Following their instructions is going to make sure they successfully perform their duties, and help in providing everybody the most exciting trip possible.

Now you can relax and enjoy your Myrtle Beach dolphin cruise! Give us a call today to book your adventure.


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Do Dolphins Hibernate or Migrate

It is winter here in Myrtle Beach and we spend the time getting our ocean going ready for spring. We are still going on deep sea fishing ventures, but you will have to wait until spring for the next Dolphin Watch Cruise.

You may be wondering, however, where do dolphins go in the winter?

Dolphins need to breathe just like humans, so every 30 minutes or so they need to surface and breathe. For this reason, dolphins do not hibernate under water. Also, they do not migrate as a group or family unit with a pattern that anyone can define. This does

Consider This About DolphinsDolphins jumping in the atlantic ocean. Azores island

As we mentioned, they do not hibernate given they do not have an  involuntary breathing respiratory systems like other animals as well as human beings. Breathing is an intentional act they need to think about.  One interesting fact is that only half of a dolphin’s brain actually sleeps at any given time.  How do we know? Electroencephalograms conducted by scientists. For approximately eight hours a day they sleep and off (kind of like humans at work.)

Sleep Patterns of Dolphins

Dolphins need to rise to the surface to breathe through what is called a blowhole about every 30 minutes when they are in deep water. This will happen more frequently if they are in more shallow water. Sometime a dolphin will rest close to the surface of the way with their blowhole exposed or they will swim very slowly in pairs in a semi-conscious state. When this is happening, they keep one eye open and that eye is not correspond with which half of the brain is sleeping. Usually dolphins will swim in sets when sleeping and keep one eye open and focused on the other dolphins.


There is no definitive migration pattern for dolphins and they do not move to another location in large groups like other mammals. There is some evidence that some do move in the winter season, however, not a great distance like geese or other types of birds. In areas, other than Myrtle Beach, where the weather is more extreme such as the North Atlantic coast, some dolphins will migrate south to warmer waters.

A study was done in the United Kingdom where dolphins migrated to southern Cornwall and then moving north as the weather became warmer. However, scientists could did not observe a specific pattern to their migration.

As spring starts getting closer we start thinking of warm summer days and there is no better way to spend family time than taking a long dolphin watch cruise with the Voyager crew. Don’t let another summer go by without treating your family to this great adventure.

Why not go ahead and buy a gift certificate and add this to your summer schedule now.

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Deep Sea Fishing for Valentines?


Deep sea fishing is a challenging game of sport. It is where amateurs and professionals alike are reaching deep into the ocean to get the most exquisite prey and compete for the best catch. Fish like lantern fish, cookie cutter shark, angler fish and flashlight fish, are the adrenaline rush for those who manage to get their rods tackled by one of these great species. When you go deep sea fishing, you should keep in mind the possibilities are endless. Deep sea fishing, in its essence, is fishing for prey in the deeper part of the ocean. The difference of deep sea fishing from the common fishing is that deep sea fishing will require more specific equipment, for more lures, lines, and rods that are specified for the use of deep sea fishing. Voyager Deep Sea Fishing provides all the necessary equipment to make your trip enjoyable and memorable.

There is nothing quite like being out in the middle of the deep waters where the fish species can grow to some enormous sizes. It’s certainly not something that you’ll soon forget, and you’ll most likely be ready to start planning your next adventure as soon as possible.

Since it’s something that you’ll always remember, why not make these memories as good as possible? There are many species of fish found out in the depths of the ocean regardless of where you go fishing. Since these species grow larger than any, you’ll find near the shore, and since so many things can happen unexpectedly when out in the ocean, you’ll never have an average or boring fishing trip. There’s just too much to see and too many opportunities for anything to be ordinary.

Do you have passion for deep sea diving? Why don’t you do something unusual for Valentines and take your sweetheart deep sea fishing? We have had a warm winter in Myrtle Beach, and the fishing is great.

You can have fun and exciting deep sea fishing trips if you know how to prepare for the adventure. Below are a few tips to help you get prepared so you can get the most out of all your deep sea fishing at Myrtle Beach:

Make sure that the vessel you plan to use is suited for the rough waters found in the deeper parts of the ocean. Things can get real rough very quickly, and your boat needs to be in great shape and suited for this type of environment.  At Voyager our boats are gone over every year to ensure they are in top working order.

You will need special equipment when you go deep sea fishing. Regular rods, reel, and tackle will not hold up to this type of fishing. You must have heavy duty equipment designed to handle the large species found in the ocean. All necessary equipment is provided on all our charters. Whether you are a novice or an experienced fisherman, you will find what you need.

If you don’t have any experience with deep sea fishing, then it’s vital that you go out with someone who does. It can be very dangerous dealing with the equipment required for deep sea fishing and being out in the ocean when you don’t have any experience.  Or crew is experienced with handling every level of fisherman. You can feel safe when traveling with Voyager Deep Sea Fishing vessels.

Decide which species you would like to seek out and have the right bait to match the species and the size you estimate to be available. This can help your fishing trip to be more successful.

Take an extra set of clothing, sun-block, hat, sunglasses and a light raincoat. You never know what to expect when you get out on the ocean.  This winter as been mild and now is a great time to do something unusual for Valentines and take your sweetheart deep sea fishing.